Therapeutic tuners for the support of human organs, cells and bones. Organ tuners support bodily functions. They harmonize with their unique strong frequency.
The set of therapeutic tuners includes 15 tuners with a case:
Blood E 321.9 Hz
Adrenal B 492.8 Hz
Kidneys Eb 319.88 Hz
Liver Eb 317.83 Hz
Bladder F 352 Hz
Gut C # 281 Hz
Lungs A 220 Hz
Large intestine F 176 Hz
Gallbladder E 164.3 Hz
Pancreas C # 117 Hz
Stomach A 110 Hz
Brain Eb 315.8 Hz
Fat cells C # 295.8 Hz
Muscle E 324 Hz
Bones Ab 418.3 Hz
The set comes with a practical case and a hammer.