Tuning Forks Synodic Day 194,18 Hz - L

Tuning Forks Synodic Day 194,18 Hz - L

Tuning Forks Synodic Day 194,18 Hz - L

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67.00 €
Incl. Tax



The tuning fork with a frequency of 194.18 Hz can be used in the morning or before an activity that requires energy and strength. It can be used to harmonize the root chakra, often placed directly on the coccyx, where all chakras flow. This tuning fork is significant for its effects on the microbiological molecular area of proteins.

It is very popular with therapists who use it in dynamic meditations, where one can express themselves physically, for example, through dance.


  • Size: 21.5 cm
  • Tuning: 194.18 Hz / note G
  • Material: stainless steel

Accessories can be found below.


Steel tuning forks are the most common type used in various therapeutic procedures. Steel is a durable, strong, and long-lasting material that produces a high-frequency sound with a long resonance.

Therapeutic use: Due to their ability to produce high frequencies, steel tuning forks are often used in deep tissue treatment, stimulation of acupuncture points, and work with energy fields – ideal for deep therapeutic purposes.

The choice between brass, aluminum, and steel tuning forks depends on individual needs and therapeutic goals. Each material brings something unique to the therapeutic process, allowing therapists and practitioners to select the most suitable tool for a specific purpose.

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