Chakra Gongs

Chakra Gongs

Energy centers (chakras) are passage points for various types of energies in our system. Their balanced functions are a very important prerequisite for the harmonious functioning of our organism. Specially created and tuned gongs, specifically targeting these energy centers, can help achieve this balance.

Gong No.3A Earth

Gong No.3A Earth

1 328.00 €
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Gong - 3rd Fire Chakra

Gong - 3rd Fire Chakra

876.00 €
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Gong 9 Chakra Chest

Gong 9 Chakra Chest

732.00 €
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Gong No.3 Earth

Gong No.3 Earth

980.00 €
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Gong No.3B Earth

Gong No.3B Earth

3 048.00 €
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