Set with 13 Tuning Forks Lplus

Set with 13 Tuning Forks Lplus
Set with 13 Tuning Forks Lplus

Set with 13 Tuning Forks Lplus

On request
797.00 €
Incl. Tax


 13 large tuning forks special set L plus. Includes the leather bag.

The frequencies:

126.22 Hz SUN tone 

194.18 Hz Earth-day (solar day) 
136.10 Hz Earth-year / Om 
172.06 Hz Earth-Platonic Year 

210.24 Hz Synodic rotation

141.27 Hz Mercury 
221.23 Hz Venus
144.72 Hz Mars
183.58 Hz Jupiter
147.85 Hz Saturn
207.36 Hz Uranus
211.44 Hz Neptune
140.25 Hz Pluto

Including the booklet "The Cosmic Octave Tuning Forks".

With an ergonomically designed soft grip handle which makes it easier and more comfortable to use it during sonopuncture. 


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